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Previewing Activities in The Government Center

Here you can get a bird's eye view of all of the available My Youthhood online activities available to youth in one specific content area. Use this listing to help you decide which activities to assign youth.

Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities
Activities Folder
Class Notebook
Life Map
Sample Goals

Why is it important to know my rights and responsibilities?

What rights and responsibilities do I need to understand better (at school, in the community, at home, at work, wherever I am)?

How can I take responsibility for my life?

Find out about the laws that affect me as a teenager in my state (go on the Internet and see what I can find, link to some of the resources in Knowing Your Rights and Responsibilities on the Youthhood site, etc.)

Make a list of the laws that are important for me to remember (list the laws that affect me at home, at work, at school, and in court; list the most important points I need to know about each law; etc.)

My ideas?

Knowing Your Rights - Disability
Activities Folder
Class Notebook
Life Map
Sample Goals

Disability Rights on the Job

What does the law say about my rights?

How can I learn more about my rights at school, at work, and in the community?

Understand my rights as a person with a disability (look up the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, learn how these laws protect me, etc.)

Identify any areas where I have concern that my rights might not be protected (make a list of the areas in my life where the law affects me, highlight the ones I?m most concerned about, share this with my teacher and get advice on what to do about it, etc

My ideas?

Knowing Disability History
Activities Folder
Class Notebook
Life Map
Sample Goals

Why is disability history important to me?

What can I do to be part of the disability rights movement?

How can I get involved with disability activism in my community?

Learn about famous people who have had the same disability as me (what is the disability, how did it impact them, etc.)

Get involved in the disability rights movement (research Web sites to join/participate in events that promote disability rights, apply to be on the board of directors for a disability organization, etc.)

My ideas?

Saying It Like It Is
Activities Folder
Class Notebook
Life Map
Sample Goals

Good Communication

Role-Playing and Communication

Talking Tips

Ways of Communicating

What does it mean to have good communication skills?

What do I need to learn about communicating?

How can I communicate better with others?

What is my favorite way to communicate with others (talking in-person, talking on the phone, sending letters, sending e-mails?)?

If I have a disability, how can I learn more about this disability, and share what I learn with others in a safe and respectful way?

Learn how to communicate better with my teachers/friends/family members (practice some of the communication skills talked about in Saying It Like It Is on the Youthhood site, talk with my teachers/friends/family members about the best way to communicate w

Get better at communicating through e-mail (practice sending e-mails to my friends, ask for feedback from my friends about how I communicate through e-mail, etc.)

My ideas?

Getting Help
Activities Folder
Class Notebook
Life Map
Sample Goals

Do I Need Help?

Survivor: And Then There Were Five

What is Problem-Solving?

Who Can I Trust to Help?

Who are the people in my life that I trust?

Who has helped me with my goals in the past? Can they help me again?

Who else can help me?

Figure out who can help me with the goals on my Life Map (ask my teacher for help with this, set up time for my teacher to review my goals, etc.)

Find out more about my rights in my state (ask my guidance counselor for help, talk to my family about what rights and responsibilities I want to have, etc.)

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This page was updated December 5, 2018
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