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youth working Knowing it's important

Introduction to Knowing it's Important

So why is having a job and a career important? Well, here’s our top five list:

Number 1: Here at The Youthhood, we say, “A good day is a pay day.” In other words, if you have a job or a career, you can earn money. If you can earn money, you can buy things you need, pay your bills, have a place to live, and basically do things you want to do. Without money, you can’t do much!

Number 2: Having a job or career makes you feel good. Yeah, you heard us right. Knowing you can do something well and earn money for your skills is a great feeling.

Number 3: When you work, you contribute to the community. You help make the economy and your community stronger. You are being a productive citizen (which communities like) and a valued community member.

Number 4: When you work, you develop new skills, learn new things, and create a record of employment. Then when you want to get a new or a better job, or maybe even go to college, your experiences can help you to do that.

Number 5: Last but not least, when you have a job or a career, you have self-respect, dignity, and self-worth. You are being responsible and making sure that you can take care of yourself. You are creating a solid foundation that you can build on to have a successful future.

Your first job may not be the type of job you have want forever, but it’s a job that will give you skills you can use for a career that will last long after high school!

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Last updated on December 5, 2018

National Center on Secondary Education and Transition University of Minnesota IDEAs That Work - Office of Special Education Programs

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